How to Install Node.js on a VPS or a Dedicated Server? Print

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Node.js is a powerful runtime environment designed for building scalable network applications. This document details the installation process for Node.js on a VPS (Virtual Private Server) or a dedicated server. Node.js is particularly beneficial due to its non-blocking event-driven architecture, making it perfect for real-time web applications, mission-critical applications, and large deployments.


Before starting the installation, ensure you have a valid package.json file in your project folder. This will help manage your application's dependencies effectively.

Update Your System

Ensure your system is up-to-date to prevent any installation issues:


sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

Updating your system is essential for keeping your server environment secure and functioning correctly. You can use the command apt update to check for the latest stable versions of installed packages.

Install Required Packages

Install the necessary packages required for Node.js:



sudo apt install build-essential curl

Installing these packages prepares your environment for the Node.js installation. This step ensures that you have the necessary tools and dependencies for a smooth setup.

Installing Node.js

<h4style="text-align: left;">Step 1: Download Node.js

Download the latest version of Node.js from the official repository:


curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

sudo apt install build-essential curl

This command sets up the NodeSource repository, allowing you to install the most current version.

Step 2: Install Node.js

Now, install Node.js and npm using a single command:


sudo apt install -y nodejs

This command installs the default version of Node.js, which is sufficient for most users. If you require a custom version, specific NVM packages, or want to manage multiple versions using a distro package manager, additional steps will be needed.

Step 3: Verify Installation

To confirm the installation was successful, check the current versions of Node.js and npm:


node -v

npm -v


This will display the current default version of Node.js installed on your system. Regularly checking for updates ensures that you are using the latest versions, enhancing security and performance.

Step 4: Set Up Your Application

Create a directory for your Node.js application:


mkdir myapp

cd myapp

Initialize your application with:


npm init -y

This generates a valid package.json file for your project, enabling project metadata management.

Install the required packages for your application, such as Express:


npm install express

This command installs the necessary back-end tools to run your application effectively.

Step 5: Test Your Application

Create a simple Express application to verify your setup:


const express = require('express');

const app = express();

const port = 3000;

app.get('/', (req, res) => {

  res.send('Hello World!');


app.listen(port, () => { 

  console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`);


Run your application with:


node app.js

Visit http://your_server_ip:3000 to see your Node.js application in action. Ensure that the port used is not non-privileged and does not conflict with other services.


Installing Node.js on your VPS or dedicated server sets the foundation for building and deploying powerful applications. DotsDen provides stable hosting solutions to support your development efforts. By utilizing Node.js, you can create mission-critical applications capable of handling vast amounts of simultaneous connections. Whether you're deploying basic HTTP servers, chat applications, or complex projects, the installation prerequisites outlined in this guide will ensure a smooth setup and an efficient development process.

You can also manage your applications using automation tools like the PM2 package for process management, ensuring that your applications remain online even after server reboots. DotsDen also offers resources to assist in setting up continuous deployment strategies, enhancing your application deployment process and addressing potential app deployment issues effectively.

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