Domain Pricing

Embark on your online journey with DotsDen , where your world of possibilities expands with a multitude of domain registration options. Unveil your digital identity with choices like .com, .net and .org. The table below paints a canvas of all the top-level domains (TLDs) we proudly offer, inviting you to pick the perfect domain that resonates with your unique vision.


Domain Features

dns management

DNS Management

Maximise online control with our DNS Management. Effortlessly handle nameservers, A records, MX records and more. Benefit from advanced features like DNSSEC, wildcard subdomains and DNS load balancing. Ensure security and future compatibility with IPv6 support. Quick propagation times, monitoring tools and user-friendly troubleshooting make it a powerful tool for all expertise levels. Elevate your online success with streamlined DNS management.

domain control panel

Control Panel

Take the reins of your domain effortlessly with the DotsDen Domain Control Panel. Seamlessly navigate through a range of services to manage your DNS, nameservers, email, forwarding, lock, EPP code and WHOIS information. Our user-friendly control panel puts you in command, ensuring a smooth and intuitive experience as you shape and fine-tune every aspect of your online presence. Empower your domain management journey with DotsDen's comprehensive and convenient Control Panel services.

email forwarding

Email Forwarding

Unlock seamless communication with our email forwarding services, a complimentary feature available with every domain. Enjoy the freedom to forward unlimited email addresses without the need for hosting or a dedicated email service. Elevate your online presence effortlessly with hassle-free email forwarding, ensuring you stay connected without the complexity.